I grew up in Venezuela (South America) we play lots outdoors but one of the sports that we are fanatics of is baseball.

I particularly grew up close to baseball since my uncle Ricky was a huge fan of the sport as well as baseball coach and my best friend's dad was part of the major leagues in USA. We played a lot of baseball on the street and it was so much fun, many times even with a stick and stones (resourceful kids we were back then).

The connection with baseball especially for me and my best friend was very close to our roots. We both had baseball bats and gloves from all these recognized players from the Major League. My best friend's Dad died tragically in a car accident when we were about 9 years old and about 2 years after my uncle passed away as well in  a tragic car accident as well.

My best friend is currently going through tough time battling tongue cancer, which is breaking my heart not being able to be next to her.

Today playing baseball with my son brought all these memories back, full of happy and sad moments.
Life give us lessons every day, we must be open to listen closely.

We all have a story and today Dee Mago would like to encourage you with one thing: you are the only one that can control your health and happiness.
Dee Health n' Fitness is very passionate about creating fitness. Each one of you had a story of playing a sport, being active, enjoying life as well as some tragedies or loses.

Take action on the things that are under your control such as your Health and Happiness. How?  By becoming more active and allowing your body to heal you from inside-out and outside-in.
Want be part of Creating Fitness Club? Check all the upcoming events that Dee Health n' Fitness is putting together especially for you in October. Be part of the Revolution of Health and Active living.

This is in honor of:
* Gonzalo Marquez a great Baseball player.
* My uncle Ricky Hernandez Gorrochotegui, super fun uncle and some who enjoying every single moment of his 33 years of life.

* And my best friend Mary who is going through tough times and I am sure she is surrounded with amazing people including her husband. God/Universe give her strength to overcome this challenge in life.

Register to 5 Steps to Create Fitness in your Life, click HERE


  1. My beauty little girl... your comments and memories are beautiful. I enjoyed each word I some memories came to me... thanks!!!!!

    1. Ay chama gracias!!!! las memorias siempre nos quedan y la vida continua.

  2. My beauty little girl... your comments and memories are beautiful. I enjoyed each word I some memories came to me... thanks!!!!!


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