Where I come from we are very upfront, people say “OMG, you are so skinny: are you eating enough?” "are you starving yourself?” or “OMG are you ok?” “Why are you so fat?”, “You better start a new diet because what you are doing is not helping you”. Normally we say what we think, Venezuelans generally have no filters. Is this right or wrong? I’m not sure to tell you the truth.
The reality is that we are who we are. For example: I am an immigrant in Canada and always will be plus my accent is part of me being a foreigner with a Canadian passport. Should I feel offended or bad about it, in my opinion, no, because this is exactly who I am and my accent might get better but I honestly doubt it (feel free to make fun of my accent, BTW).

I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings or offend anybody with candid comments, right? But I believe what it is, is worse than unfiltered comments it is our inner voice saying: “I am not perfect” “look at my belly” “look at that cellulite”, “I want to have bigger chest and arms”, “nobody will like me the way I am”, “I am not good enough”, “I am not as pretty or handsome as …”, etc. We are normally very harsh with ourselves, more than strangers are towards us.
It is in our power to be able to enhance who we really are inside and out. We are all beautiful, we all have different shapes, skin colours, English “accents”, hair colour and style etc. We should be proud and embrace who we are, by taking this into consideration we can shape our bodies through healthy eating habits, exercise, resting and reducing stress in our life.

You are the author, the designer and the artist of your own transformation, let Dee Health n’ Fitness be part of that by motivating and guiding you in all areas of your life, we will empower you to succeed in this journey. Let’s make this a lifestyle and a life changing experience with Dee Health n’ Fitness.
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