I am so glad and happy to reintroduce my blog to all of you and am looking forward to share many stories and information that will be useful to all of you.
Why ConscioUs FITness?
Because through my work with all of you I want to encourage you to be conscious about your body.

We talk about obesity, sitting is the new smoking, coronary heart conditions, diabetes, arthritis, back pain, extra fat in undesired areas of your body, extremely lean (skinny-fat) and so many more but why is that? Is it our lifestyle? What we are eating? Things that we are not doing anymore? Is the media influencing us as well? The answer is: it is the combination of all that.
This is why I would like to empower and encourage you to be conscious about your body, your fitness activities, your eating habits and through my work with a health coach, psychologist and you we can make your dream healthy body from inside out be transformed.
Are you interested in knowing more about Dee Health n’s Fitness philosophy and work please visit www.deehealthnfitness.com or email us to info@deehealthnfitness.com and also follow us in all social media
#deeheatlhnfitness #consciousfitness #engage #empower #transformyou #behealthy
Be conscious, be active, eat clean!
Body, mind and soul healthy are the perfect combination of a happy life.
Dee Health n’ Fitness.
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