Have you ever heard of
- Fast food? Well known as McDonald, A&W, Subway, etc.
- Fast house? What we call cookie cutter homes.
- Fast Fashion? like H&M, GAP, Old Navy.
- Fast diet? Expecting quick results and experience rebounded weight.

… Endless fast things that we can have and want in today’s society.
Here is my analysis of that:
- How long did it take you to get a degree? 3; 5; 8 years, depends on the career.
- How long did it take you to talk for the first time? 1-2 years maybe more.
- How long did it take you to take your first step? Months to a year, maybe more.
Here are some tricks that helped me to continue this journey of a healthy lifestyle and also have helped my clients to keep moving forward and get closer to their fitness goals by improving their health:
- Be mindful about your goals.
- Give yourself a reasonable time to achieve them to avoid frustrations.
- Be kind with yourself to overcome the challenge that means to change your lifestyle.
- Schedule your workout – your time – your time to be healthy and active.
- Be grateful and celebrate every single success.
Another example of discipline, inspiration and motivation is Paul who is the founder of “The Fat Project”, I personally love what he is doing and many times taking himself out of his comfort zone by sharing all the successes and also the down time in this process of releasing weight, here is the most recent blog he posted which I think goes very well with the topic of today: Five Reasons We Regain Weight
Looking forward to reading your comments below and don’t forget to check my website to subscribe to my newsletter, social media and get to know more about Dee Health n’ Fitness.
This is a process of transformation inside out and outside in, through conscious fitness. #transformu #consciousfitness #deehealthnfitness
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